
Booking Flights...

I have booked my flight for Northern Ireland. I will be leaving on August 19th and spending the weekend with Niamh. I will then head to Paris to spend a week with Audrey. I have also booked a flight to London for the last weekend of September with Niamh to visit Audrey for her birthday! I will soon be booking a flight to Slovakia. A trip is the in the works to go to Rome with all the Edgewood students who will be studying abroad in Europe in the fall. During my mom’s visit over Christmas we will be going to London, Dublin and touring Germany. There is also a chance to meet up with a friend in Egypt or the United Arab Emirates. As I think about all of these plans and as I think about the adventures ahead of me I can’t help but feel overwhelmed that I am able to get this chance and overwhelmed with the feelings of excitement that I am about to such an amazing experience. I am so excited to be able to continue to develop the friendships that I have made this semester and continue to grow in my knowledge and abilities in interacting with people of different cultures. I am truly blessed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are very blessed!

i really enjoy your blog designs.