
Funny Story from the Past...

I was reminded of this story about a week ago when I was driving back to Madison from Bible study and I have had a couple of laughs about it since.

Over a year ago my friend and I went to State Street in Madison for dinner. We picked this little Italian restaurant that has huge windows right on the street. I am a self-confessed people watcher, so big windows in a restaurant can be a deal breaker for me! We sat at this little table, mind you when I say little it was about the size of an end table you place next to your couch or living room chair. It was really cute at first because there was a nice little candle on it and it just seemed so personal and fun! Then they gave us bread in a basket wrapped in a cloth napkin and oil with herbs. Yummy! I made it through the first piece of bread alright, but of course you can't stop at one! I open the napkin to get the bread and continue to talk to my friend about whatever the topic was. Then I look down. I had opened the cloth napkin right into the fire!!!! We blew out the fire and blew out the candle. After a minute of recovery time, we had a good laugh at it! These are things that I refer to spices of life, if they didn't happen it sure would be boring.


Burn in the last Five

Yesterday was the first day back from Spring Break and I had to work at Wingra
Cafe from 5-8:30. The time crept by last night to the point that I
started a count down to the time I left. An Hour. Now Thirty Minutes.
Oh, Ten! Then finally I had only five minutes left. I didn't know what
to do with myself. My work was pretty much done, but I had to do
something for the last five minutes or else it would feel like an hour.
The I got the idea to check on the pizza's. This shouldn't have been my
normal job, but I thought I would help someone else out. Oh, there was
one in the far back corner of the pizza oven that was ready to come
out. I get the tray and I try to reach over the not ready pizza and
then ithappened . With the slightest touch and a sharp pain, I burnt my
arm on the pizza oven. It is actually not a very good burn, but it has
a design to it. It reminds me of the flight wings that the airlines
give out the little children who are flying on the plain. Maybe I can
pass for a pilot now.


Are those Love Bunnies?

My grandma is known for her table center peices that adorn our family table at our holiday meals. This time she had a plate with a ton of candy and eggs surrounding this (what I am thinking is either kindergarden art work or extremely abstract) statue of two "bunnies" hugging. I was shocked. She exclaimed that she thought is was cute. I just agreed for the sake of agreeing. (I am picking my battles) Upon closer inspection the space between their legs has been painted in an acward heart looking thing. At that point I dies laughing. All I could think was my grandma has made the center of our table into a love bunny display. I am wondering what she has up her sleave for mothers day???


Slices of Life- Ice Cream

Spring weather is no longer in Wisconsin, but every ounce of my body is craving for it to come back! I am craving it in other ways. Summer foods. With a couple of inches of snow on the ground I climbed out of my layer and cleaned off my car. One thing was commanding my motions, a huge craving for ice cream. As I looked at the menu at DQ the only thing that looked as if it could control the craving was a waffle bowl chocolate strawberry sundae. I am so thankful that I am sitting here in my warm house thinking upon the many more days of warm weather and ice cream, it gives me a sense that I can actually make it!


Slices of Life - Is that the Doorbell?

I had an exam today in my Interpersonal Communications course. I sat down took a large breath and started in on the exam. As I was trying to answer on of the multiple choice questions I thought I heard a doorbell. As a matter of fact everyone thought they heard a doorbell. After a couple of laughs and "I have no idea where that came from comments" I realized that it was my computer that rang. My computer was turning itself off!!! I was in a state of laughing at myself and also embarrassment. I had to reread the question at least five times before I could even look at the answers. It wasn't until after the exam I realized no one knew I had created the noise and that I didn't have a reason to be embarrassed...silly me!


Slices of Life

I have been going through this semester without a planner! I just haven't found one that I liked and then I got this grand idea that I should just make my own little planner sheets I keep in my five subject notebook. Can I say, "bad idea". I have not felt like I have been on top of things in the last two months. So, at target I found the perfect planner. It is a light olive green and has the seasons broken up into different colors. I feel whole again, like I haven't been myself for a long time and now I have come to this great personal epiphany! Can I say, "boost of confidence in the school arena".