
Burn in the last Five

Yesterday was the first day back from Spring Break and I had to work at Wingra
Cafe from 5-8:30. The time crept by last night to the point that I
started a count down to the time I left. An Hour. Now Thirty Minutes.
Oh, Ten! Then finally I had only five minutes left. I didn't know what
to do with myself. My work was pretty much done, but I had to do
something for the last five minutes or else it would feel like an hour.
The I got the idea to check on the pizza's. This shouldn't have been my
normal job, but I thought I would help someone else out. Oh, there was
one in the far back corner of the pizza oven that was ready to come
out. I get the tray and I try to reach over the not ready pizza and
then ithappened . With the slightest touch and a sharp pain, I burnt my
arm on the pizza oven. It is actually not a very good burn, but it has
a design to it. It reminds me of the flight wings that the airlines
give out the little children who are flying on the plain. Maybe I can
pass for a pilot now.


Jacob and/or Karen said...

I haven't checked your blog since you got back from Africa. It's beautiful. With tears in my eyes, I just mentioned to Karen that I think it is the best blog I've ever read. It doesn't try to be pretentious or witty. It is just your thoughts about the little things, joys and struggles, or life. Definitely going to the top of my blog list!

Anonymous said...

I should have taken a picture of your "flight wings" when you were here so you could post it. You have to "see it" to believe it!
I just read Jacob's comments above and I wholeheartedly agree!