
Slices of Life - Is that the Doorbell?

I had an exam today in my Interpersonal Communications course. I sat down took a large breath and started in on the exam. As I was trying to answer on of the multiple choice questions I thought I heard a doorbell. As a matter of fact everyone thought they heard a doorbell. After a couple of laughs and "I have no idea where that came from comments" I realized that it was my computer that rang. My computer was turning itself off!!! I was in a state of laughing at myself and also embarrassment. I had to reread the question at least five times before I could even look at the answers. It wasn't until after the exam I realized no one knew I had created the noise and that I didn't have a reason to be embarrassed...silly me!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Silly you!
Your computer sounds like a doorbell when it turns off, eh?