Have you all heard about the musical Wicked? If you haven't let me tell
you a little about it! It is the story about the witches of the Wizard
of Oz before Dorthy came in her tornado. It is WONDERFUL!!! And it is
TOO MUCH FUN!!! I LOVE IT! (So, you don't think I am going off the
handle about something I haven't seen...I have seen it once before)
school announced that they have forty tickets on sale for $20.00!!!
This includes ticket and transportation!!! It is a complete deal,
considering that tickets are around $100normally and it is in
Chicago!!! So, the tickets were supposed to go on sale at 9 am this
morning. So I got to the office where they were being sold at 8:50! It
turns out the they had started to sell them early and by the time that
I get to the front of the line I might not be able to get my two
tickets. I was really reallydisappointed , because as you read above I
really really really like this musical! Well, turns out they miscounted
the sales of the tickets and I got the LAST TWO Tickets!! I felt like
Willy in WillyWonka! I've got the last two tickets (I sang that in my head as I wrote it)!