1. How to quilt...I think it is such a treasured thing when you receive a gift such as a quilt that was made in love just for you!
2. How to live for Jesus every moment of everyday...I fall short of this so much. I would be the first person in line to by their Loving Jesus for Dummies book!
3. To take really nice photos
4. How moms with numerous children manage to do all that they do in one day and come out of it alive!
5. Where to find cheaper text books...my school charges an arm and a leg for one book! (suggestions welcome)
6. How to cook...I am all right, but I am not a "from scratch" type of cook...yet
7. How not to judge people right away...not that I hold my judgement on anyone, but I have a hard time not forming strong first impression!
8. How to me more loving and selfless towards the people in my life that have hurt me or that I have a hard time with...this is really hard for me!
9. Different Culture...anyone who knows me knows that I lobe traveling and spending time with people of different culture...hince my study abroad experiences
10. More about ME...I am just starting to figure myself out...I think I have been a little too scared to do this because when you start removing the layers it isn't always pretty...but I am enjoying the journey I am currently on!
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