I have registered for my Spring 2009 classes. It feels great to think that my college career is winding down. One year left and the last half of the year will hopefully be in Ireland! One of the last required courses that I need to take is literature. I am working part time, which means that the only lit class I could fit comfortably in my schedule was a Wednesday night lit course taught my a nun. I do not have anything against nuns. I respect the commitment that they have made to their faith. I personally couldn't do it. I just am seriously concerned about the type of books I am going to have to read. It isn't a topical class, so it is whatever the prof picks. I am seeing titles like "Devotions of St. Mary of Cape Town" pass through my head! What non-Edgewood College people do not understand is that the nuns here are not typical nuns. They are liberal Dominican nuns. This causes a little more concern. How can I say that I disagree on a moral level with someone who have devoted their whole life to something. It will be very hard. My hope is that maybe she will pick guilty pleasure books that have nothing to do with religion and nothing to do with Dominican values. There isn't anything wrong with wishful thinking. Right? Whatever this class ends up being...I am sure it is going to be a character building experience.