I want to count my blessing thus far…(I am going to try to do this every couple of weeks or so just to keep everyone up to date on answered prayer or just little things that have been going on that I have counted a blessing)
- I am blessed because I have gotten a roomie who is compatible and who allows me to openly express my faith and opinion
- I am blessed because that God as answered my pray in allowing me to get into Edgewood
- I am blessed because God has answered my prayers to strengthen my relationship with my mom
- I am blessed because I have a church family who is supporting me, who loves me, and who I loves the Lord
- I am blessed because I have a wonderful apartment
- I am so blessed because I am alive and living my life trying to please the Lord
- I am so blessed because I was able to buy a bunch of sunflowers to cheer me up for under three dollars
welcome to the world of Blogging, Katie! Sunflowers for under three dollars? Sounds great! I still need to take you to my favorite coffee shop on state street, no fair that Barb got to take you out first! ;) Talk to you later!
OOOHH!! DId you get the flowers from J kinney on Monroe? I LOVE that shop. She is expensive, but she sells flowers for cheap out in front of her shop sometimes. The other place you MUST hang out is Ancora on Monroe...FABULOUS coffee and scones. I know the manager Erin, awesome girl...also has her own theatre company in Madison.
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