I am so excited about starting sharing my thought, ideas and even some funny stories. I want to share my life verse with you all : Psalms 27:4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.
I hope this was a blessing to you as it is to me. He is such a strong place. I am so happy to have a precious relationship with Him. Also, a funny story. Right now I am living in Madison while I go to school. Since I just moved here I am trying to get used to the Metro system. I know how to get to and from school.(it is only about 10ish blocks...so it isn't that great of a feat, but to me it is an accomplishment) well, yesterday I was waiting for the bus and a lady started to talk to me. I thought, ohhhhh a friendly person. I was rather happy because no one here has been friendly (no one says hello when you pass, well now I think of it no one even looks at you). So, sure enough here comes bus number three. She gets on first. They bus driver mean while is eating something, with a fork, while driving the bus(made me a little nervous). So, she goes in to scan her Metro card and the driver jokingly offered her a piece of Cauliflower. Now in this situation I would have just said," yeah sure" The to key to how I would have said it would make it a joke back...like yeah, in your dreams maybe. Well, this lady said sure and she was actually serious. Next thing i know she is diving for his piece of cauliflower. The bus driver is trying to tell her he was just joking, but this lady really wanted the cauliflower. Well, lets just say my bus driver ended up feeding this lady his piece of Cauliflower. Then i started to think that the only reason this lady was talking to me is because she is crazy. So, next time a random person here in Madison talks to me... I think I will be a little less eager to communicate back.