
Thinking on These:

I am going through one of those times when God stretches and pulls...and somehow I come out better than before (or at least that is the goal). Well, frankly I sort of just want it to be over, but until then God has given me a few things to ponder...

"Work on what is real rather than worry about what is unreal.
Reach forward and press on rather than remaining a prisoner of the past.
Believe the truths of the Bible rather than our emotions.
Act on what is revealed through Scripture rather than on what appears to be."
~Elizabeth George

"if we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleans us from all unrighteousness" ~John 1:9
"...you and I are forgiven regaurdless of our feelings and thoughts"
~Elizabeth George

"let not our longing slay the appetite of our living"
~Jim Elliot

"Rejoice always, Pray without ceasing, Give Thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of Gos in Christ Jesus for you." ~1 Thes. 5:16-18


School, Work, Apartment, and God

I sat all Christmas break waiting for this day. Now that it is here I am a little curious to why I thought it would be so great. I think going to Africa has clouded my vision of reality when it comes to school. I have forgotten about homework, regularyly going to class, classroom discussions, tests and quizes. I have forgotten how the miles long walks in the hot sun of Africa are nothing compared to the jog accross a parking lot in the freezing tundra of Wisconsin winter. I hope that I can keep up with everything...but in the large picture of things, as Pastor John has been reminding me, none of this really matters. Just glorifying God by enjoying Him forever!

I got a new job! I am working in the International Studies Office on campus. I will be doing some of the typical office work as a student worker and than I will be train in Student Advising. Basically I will be the gateway for students who want to study abroad. I will be going over and forming goals with them, narrowing down where they want to study and just spending time talking with them to see if they are ready and in a good position to study abroad. I am so excited that I get to be a part of giving someone the experience that I just had.

I am all moved in! Thanks goes out to Mike (who basically organized my whole move for me), Andy (who made two trips to Madison to help me out with them move when he wasn't planning on it), Josh, Paul, Joelle and my Mom! I am so thankful that I got this help, I wouldn't have been able to do it without you! Thank you also to Liese who gave the my wonderful couch! Thanks!

So, about my apartment. It is so nice and cozy. It feels like home. I have a little more work to do on the bedroom, but I am still working away on it. I am very thankful that I can have such a nice place to live.

For the last little while I have been through a slump. Things have just been going and I have been letting my mind slip into a series of what-ifs that have really hindered my thoughts. On Sunday I was reminded that nothing in life apart from the glory of God is anywhere near important to a Christian. That my goals (getting married, graduating College on the Dean's List, having children) are not going to stand up to the eternal flames of God. That I need to be living my life for His glory and His glory alone.
Also, I started to read on of Elizabeth Georges books (the name I do not remember) and something she said was to have a mind that is thinking on truth is a mind that is not focused on the imaganery, but dwells within reality. I have a huge problem with doing this. I almost play pretend in my head. Also, I majorly read into what people do and say. This only creates problems in the relationships I have. I need to always think that peoples motives and intentions are pure and true. All I need to worry about is if I am in sin and trust that God's word is true when he says that he will bring that to light in my life. It feels so good to be growing and learning.